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Ordering Seeds for my Garden

Seed ordering sheet CSV


Seed ordering sheet XLS



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  1. spflannigan@gmail.com
    spflannigan@gmail.com February 28, 2019

    Yes to seed saving videos in the future. I know about it, I’ve done some but would be great to actually see some video content on it. Thanks!

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    onespiritwoman February 3, 2019

    Wild oregano oil knocks out everything. Just a few drops on the tongue once or twice a day at the first sign of a cold. Failing that, my home made colloidal silver hits the spot too.

    1. Curtis Stone
      Curtis Stone February 6, 2019

      I use that stuff all the time and it is definitely not a sure bet. I think maybe it works sometimes, not all the time.

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    Frosty January 31, 2019

    Se you remodeled the greenhouse, have you discontinued micro-planting? :scratch:

    1. Curtis Stone
      Curtis Stone February 1, 2019

      Yes. I am taking some time off farming to focus on this site, my next book and my family.

  4. UH1FE
    UH1FE January 27, 2019

    Thank you that is awesome!

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    freestyle16 January 27, 2019


    Can’t find the spreadsheet.

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      islandpastries@mac.com January 27, 2019

      Copy the url under the CSV or XLS and paste into a new browser tab or window

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    Mauricern January 27, 2019

    Hello Curtis, just wondering if you are saving your own seeds from your crops at the end of the season besides buying fresh ones every year? Is it worth the trouble?

    1. Curtis Stone
      Curtis Stone January 28, 2019

      It’s not worth the trouble Maurice. Having said that, if we ever fell upon hard times, I would definitely do it. Saving seed is actually pretty easy. Come to think of it, I’ve never really done a video on it. One of my earliest mentors here in Kelowna is actually a 30 year organic farmer and seed saver. Is that something you guys would be interested in? I could do easily an hour to multiple hour long video(s) on how to save seed.

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    TurtleCat January 26, 2019

    You should take my, “Bourbon Cure,” for your colds. I just made up the name, said cure, but it isn’t exactly a cure. At the very first symptoms, take a small mouthfull of bourbon, like an ounce, and hold it in your mouth. Tip your head back, so it is around your uvula, and push the back of your tongue against the roof of your mouth at the back, for maybe a minute. 3x/day for few days, no cold deve

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      BarbaraB January 27, 2019

      Bad advice. Concentrated alcohol is very irritating to the mucous membranes. Most mouthwashes today have been changed to be alcohol-free because people who used them were getting mouth and throat cancer. Maybe add a little Bourbon to hot lemonade with honey for some relief, but stay away from hard liquor or mouthwashes with alcohol.

    2. Curtis Stone
      Curtis Stone January 28, 2019

      Boom. Ok, I’ll save it for the next one. This one is already done. Been amping up my cold therapy game Wim Holf style.

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      mfalconer January 28, 2019

      I thought I had an iron immune system until I had kids. Around 2-3 years old was the worst. I caught everrything they had.. plus more! hahah. Things are better now (4 and 6 years old). I love the Wim Hof stuff…. ice cold showers and hyperventilation. I don’t know if it helps the immune system, but I feel fantastic!

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