Second video with Living Earth Farm. They have doubled in size since our last tour. This episode is a detailed tour of the operation and all the infrastructure and discussions about how to operate this ...
Toure-Sol is a cooperative market farm in Les Cedre, Quebec. Dan Brisebois runs the seed saving portion of the operation and shares with us his experience saving seed for profit.
Foxglove Farm is located on Salt Spring Island in BC and Michael Ableman is a 40 year organic farming veteran. He's an author, educator and world renowned advocate for urban agriculture. He might be best ...
The whole YouTube live srteam Just the From the Field Q&A.
La Ferme des Quatre-Temps is a 10 acre organic market farm. It is the most recent farm project of Jean-Martin Fortier, most commonly known for his book the Market Gardener. This is a comprehensive tour ...